There are several ways to request a medical appointment in Catalonia, here we will explain several. For the processes you need a health card.
In Catalonia there is a health system where you can set aside your previous medical appointment through a portal called CatSalut Respon. Residents of certain provinces such as Gerona, Lleida, Tarragona or Barcelona can opt for this service in simple steps, you only need a phone or a PC with an internet connection to request the appointment online.
Also, there is an official app called Gencatsalut
That allows you to obtain previous appointments from your Smartphone. If you want to know more about it then we invite you to continue reading so that you know all the information about it.
There are several ways to request a medical appointment in Catalonia, here we will explain several. For the processes you need a health card.
Online appointment
To do this procedure you only need a computer or phone with an internet connection and enter the main website of Catsalut Respon: https://ecap.ics.gencat.cat/VisitesIServeis/programacio_visites/Visites.aspx then you will do a series of steps to request the appointment.
Steps to request a medical appointment in Catalonia
- Enter the main web address of Catsalut
- Then you will have to enter your CIP identification to be able to continue with the other page
- The system will need your personal data which you must fill in the corresponding fields, then it will request the medical specialty of the appointment, the day and time of the consultation. You just have to click accept and you will have the medical appointment in Catalonia.
It is essential to have your health card, after entering the data everything is relatively easy because anyone can fill in the fields and does not require further information or any other operation that may take time or add difficulty to the process.
Request a medical appointment in Catalonia by phone
Another simple modality where you can get a medical appointment without much effort is by calling CatSalut. To achieve this, you must call the telephone service of said organization, which is number 902, (only from Catalonia) where they will assist you and you will be able to communicate with the different health centers.
Catsalut It also has a customer service center through phone calls, if you want to communicate with them, just call the number of Sanitat Respon 902111444 o 933268801; They will give any information you require, be it information on services, health benefits, among other information that may be involved. (Only in Spanish or Catalan language)
Make an appointment in person
There are health centers where you can request an appointment in person, for many people it is easier to visit the nearest health center and set aside the medical appointment. You can request the appointment in Catsalut or directly in some of the offices of Salut Gencat, any of these organizations will provide you with the necessary information to obtain your appointment, go to the nearest health center and request your appointment in person.
This type of request is the same way of online dating
They will ask you for the personal data, the CPI number and they will confirm if there is availability in the health centers to attend you according to the medical service you need.
App CatSalut
If you have a Smartphone you can download the mobile app from Catsalut that will serve you to request your medical appointment in Catalonia in a better way, since the app is more organized, you can check the date, time, places, treating doctor, among other information immediately, you can also cancel the appointment if you had any problem .
What if I want to cancel my medical appointment?
At the time that you had a problem and you cannot go to the appointment on the day you had it scheduled, nothing happens, you should only inform the health center that you cannot keep the appointment and why you cannot, so they will cancel the appointment without problem, maybe you can advance or modify it on a date that if you are available.
Are there other health services in Spain?
There is the Servicio SES in Extremadura, the Osakidetza in the Basque Country, Where you can also request a medical appointment if you need it or they can assist you at the moment of any contingency.
Call or go to the nearest health center in your community and request your previous medical appointment in Catalonia.