Do you want to know what are the access requirements to enter the armed forces? What destinations exist in each province, and how often do they make the call? Today we want to make a guide for anyone who intends to join the Spanish Armed Forces.
Places to enter the Armed Forces 2020
In the last BOE (Official State Gazette), the publication of new positions for the year 2020 began, where a total of 3,650 places will be available, distributed among the Air Force, the Navy and the Army in Spanish Language.
You should know that if you are interested in starting the access procedures for the Armed Forces, the first step will be to request an appointment.
How, when and where to request an appointment to join the Armed Forces
You can request an appointment in the following ways:
- By Postal Mail
- Personally
- By phone
- By Internet
Previous appointment by armed force by telephone
The Ministry of Defense recommends requesting an appointment by phone, since it is much easier, and faster, the official phone numbers of the Spanish Armed Forces are:
Previous appointment online armed force
To request an Appointment by phone with the Ministry of Defense and thus be able to start enrollment in the armed forces, you only have to click on the following link:
It is reported that on March 2 the deadline to register in the Armed Forces ended by requesting an appointment. The next opening date for new registrations will be in the second cycle of Admission, which is in June 2020.
Requirements to enroll in the Armed Forces call
There are many requirements that all candidates must meet if they want to join the Spanish Army or the Navy. Let’s see what these requirements are:
- First, the candidate must have Spanish nationality, or failing that, one of the following nationalities: Argentina, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Equatorial Guinea, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama , Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, Venezuela.
- Second, the candidate must be 18 years old on the date of joining the military training center.
- Third, Not be over 29 years old.
- Fourth, lack a criminal record, in addition to not having pending trials of any kind.
- Fifth, not to have been expelled or separated from any public administration for disciplinary proceedings, nor to be disabled from public functions.
- Sixth, Comply with the psychophysical skills, these will be demonstrated in the tests that will be carried out.
- Seventh, have the minimum qualification required by each call.
These are the general requirements that any candidate who wants to enter in the Spanish Army must meet. Subsequently, depending on the chosen destination, the command you want to access (officer), and for which barracks or army you want to go, the requirements will vary as regards studies above all.
Other requirements that the candidate must meet are:
- Not have expired the temporary or long-term residence card (for foreigners).
- Not be registered as objectionable within Spanish territory.
- Not to have any prohibition of military isolation.
- Not have tattoos with expressions or images contrary to the values of Spain, nor military virtues, nor vulgar content towards the religious, that do not discriminate against any race or sexual type.
- Not having registered in a call of the same year, and having been qualified as “not permanently eligible”
Phases of the selection process for the armed forces
- The First Phase: It will consist of the Contest, this is done based on the general merits, academic qualification, all based on a scale of appendix 8.b. Subsequently, the aptitude test will be carried out.
- In the Second Phase:
- Personality Test
- Medical examination
- Physical Fitness Tests
What do the Troop and Seafarers military do?
The main functions of the military vary depending on the specialty of each one, and on the rank in which they are found. Normally, a job in the Armed Forces is temporary, but in many cases it is usually a career military condition, where he spends his whole life, depending on his worth.
In addition, within the Armed Forces, the initial Ranks are (in Ascending order):
Soldado –> Marinero –> Cabo –> Cabo Primero –> Cabo Mayor
Later, you can go through an internal promotion to rise in rank, among them we have the positions of Oficial, Tenientes, etc.
How much is charged in the Spanish Armed Forces?
If you want to know how much a military man earns in Spain, this varies depending on the rank, the supplements that your salary has, and the seniority, let’s see the base salaries of the military of the Armed Forces by ranks:
The salary of a soldier in Spain is as follows
- Cabo Primero a Soldado o Marinero: Salario Base de 620,48€
- Cabo Mayor a Soldado o Marinero: Salario Base de 745,53€
- De Alferez /Alferez de Fragata hasta Sargento: Salario Base de 992,94€
- General del Ejercito, Almirante General o General del Aire hasta Teniente o Alferez de Navio: Salario Base de 1.148€
To these amounts, which are nothing more than the base salary, we must add a series of supplements and triennia that would be the following:
- Employment supplement: This supplement must be added to the base salary, it varies depending on the rank, for a soldier or sailor it is € 273.91, and for a general € 1,473
- Specific complement: This already varies depending on the job. But a Soldier or sailor receives € 116.88 extra, and a general will receive € 1,283 extra.
- Seniority: Depending on the years you have been serving the Spanish Armed Forces, a supplement in the form of a salary called triennia will be added.
- More Concepts: It depends on whether missions are carried out abroad, or extraordinary services, it must be added to the base salary.